#!/usr/bin/env python3 # SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021 Aaron Dewes # # SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-or-later import json from lib.manage import compose, createDataDir, deleteData, getUserData, setInstalled, setRemoved, startInstalled, stopInstalled, update, deriveEntropy, updateRepos from lib.validate import findAndValidateApps import os import argparse # Print an error if user is not root if os.getuid() != 0: print('This script must be run as root!') exit(1) # The directory with this script scriptDir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) nodeRoot = os.path.join(scriptDir, "..") appsDir = os.path.join(nodeRoot, "apps") appDataDir = os.path.join(nodeRoot, "app-data") userFile = os.path.join(nodeRoot, "db", "user.json") legacyScript = os.path.join(nodeRoot, "scripts", "app") parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Manage apps on your Citadel") parser.add_argument('action', help='What to do with the app database.', choices=[ "list", "download", "update", "update-online", "ls-installed", "install", "uninstall", "stop", "start", "compose", "restart", "entropy"]) # Add the --invoked-by-configure option, which is hidden from the user in --help parser.add_argument('--invoked-by-configure', action='store_true', help=argparse.SUPPRESS) parser.add_argument('--verbose', '-v', action='store_true') parser.add_argument( 'app', help='Optional, the app to perform an action on. (For install, uninstall, stop, start and compose)', nargs='?') parser.add_argument( 'other', help='Anything else (For compose)', nargs="*") args = parser.parse_args() # If no action is specified, the list action is used if args.action is None: args.action = 'list' if args.action == 'list': apps = findAndValidateApps(appsDir) for app in apps: print(app) exit(0) elif args.action == 'download': updateRepos() exit(0) elif args.action == 'update': if args.invoked_by_configure: update(args.app) else: os.system(os.path.join(nodeRoot, "scripts", "configure")) os.chdir(nodeRoot) os.system("docker compose stop app_tor") os.system("docker compose start app_tor") os.system("docker compose stop app_2_tor") os.system("docker compose start app_2_tor") os.system("docker compose stop app_3_tor") os.system("docker compose start app_3_tor") exit(0) elif args.action == 'update-online': updateRepos() print("Downloaded all updates") if args.invoked_by_configure: update(args.app) else: os.system(os.path.join(nodeRoot, "scripts", "configure")) os.chdir(nodeRoot) os.system("docker compose stop app_tor") os.system("docker compose start app_tor") os.system("docker compose stop app_2_tor") os.system("docker compose start app_2_tor") os.system("docker compose stop app_3_tor") os.system("docker compose start app_3_tor") exit(0) elif args.action == 'ls-installed': # Load the userFile as JSON, check if installedApps is in it, and if so, print the apps with open(userFile, "r") as f: userData = json.load(f) if "installedApps" in userData: print("\n".join(userData["installedApps"])) else: # To match the behavior of the old script, print a newline if there are no apps installed print("\n") elif args.action == 'install': if not args.app: print("No app provided") exit(1) createDataDir(args.app) compose(args.app, "pull") compose(args.app, "up --detach") setInstalled(args.app) elif args.action == 'uninstall': if not args.app: print("No app provided") exit(1) userData = getUserData() if not "installedApps" in userData or args.app not in userData["installedApps"]: print("App {} is not installed".format(args.app)) exit(1) print("Stopping app {}...".format(args.app)) compose(args.app, "rm --force --stop") print("Deleting data...") deleteData(args.app) print("Removing from the list of installed apps...") setRemoved(args.app) elif args.action == 'stop': if not args.app: print("No app provided") exit(1) userData = getUserData() if args.app == "installed": if "installedApps" in userData: stopInstalled() exit(0) print("Stopping app {}...".format(args.app)) compose(args.app, "rm --force --stop") elif args.action == 'start': if not args.app: print("No app provided") exit(1) userData = getUserData() if args.app == "installed": if "installedApps" in userData: startInstalled() exit(0) if not "installedApps" in userData or args.app not in userData["installedApps"]: print("App {} is not yet installed".format(args.app)) exit(1) compose(args.app, "up --detach") elif args.action == 'restart': if not args.app: print("No app provided") exit(1) if args.app == "installed": stopInstalled() startInstalled() exit(0) userData = getUserData() if not "installedApps" in userData or args.app not in userData["installedApps"]: print("App {} is not yet installed".format(args.app)) exit(1) compose(args.app, "rm --force --stop") compose(args.app, "up --detach") elif args.action == 'compose': if not args.app: print("No app provided") exit(1) compose(args.app, " ".join(args.other)) elif args.action == "entropy": if args.app == "": print("Missing identifier for entropy") exit(1) print(deriveEntropy(args.app)) else: print("Error: Unknown action") print("See --help for usage") exit(1)